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Mandarin Trainer:Start Learning Chinese Today!

We have a growing library of interactive Mandarin Chinese lessons.
  • No boring grammar books!
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Over 750,000 people across the globe will study Mandarin Chinese this year.


China's economy is growing so quickly and becoming so influential in the world economy that people can't afford to ignore it. People who want to be ahead in whatever industry need to think about China and learning Chinese.

−Mary Hennock, BBC Business News

The opportunities.

Being able to speak Mandarin Chinese will open doors for your career – you can apply to more interesting jobs, qualify for higher positions and higher pay. Even if you aren’t specifically interested in China, chances are good the company that you work for is.

The utility.

If you’re interested in working for a multinational firm, or even just living overseas, you already understand the benefits of knowing another language. But where should you start?

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You might have heard that Chinese is an impossible language to learn. But actually , Chinese is simpler than English in several important ways.


Mandarin Chinese has:

  • no plural words
    "one house" vs. "two houses"
  • no tenses
    "Now I'm going" vs. "Yesterday I went"
  • no subject/verb agreement
    "I like it" vs. "She likes it"


  • a simple numbering system
    shí = "ten", 二十 èr shí "two"+"ten = "twenty"
  • simple prepositions
    zàiat 7pm, on Tuesday, in 2006, at home

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Chances are Chinese is very different from the language you speak at home. But that doesn't mean that it is difficult to learn. Learning Chinese is simply learning a different way to think.

Some features of Mandarin Chinese are not found in many languages:

  • 语素文字 - Written Chinese is comprised of over 5,000 characters. This may sound scary at first, but actually these characters are all based on a much smaller number of basic characters ("radicals"). That means that you can often guess the pronunciation of certain words, even if you haven't seen them written before.
  • yīn diào - Chinese is a tonal language. That means that each word has a different meaning depending on the pitch of your voice. For example: means "mother", but means "horse", and means "marijuana".

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